Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Teeth and Hair Mutual Exclusivity Rule

Here's another item from our Committee for the Promulgation of Scientifically Baseless Theories.

Theory: Babies can grow hair or teeth, but not both at the same time.

Corrollary: Babies with lots of hair have to wait to get teeth. Babies who get their teeth early have to wait a while to get their hair.

Data: The Mommy has noted in her Real Job line of work that this rule very typically holds true.

Case Study 1: Superkid, who serves as our Chief of Polymer Impact Testing, had bunches of teeth very early, but did not get any hair for a good long time.

Case Study 2: Babyfish has very little hair and no teeth. This does not necessarily violate the Teeth and Hair Mutual Exclusivity Rule, as the rule only excludes simultaneous rapid development of teeth AND hair.

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