Sunday, January 21, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Offspring Count

Brandon and Krista's count of offspring: 2
Kaich's count of siblings: 4. No 2. Maybe 2 real, 2 not real
Kaich's siblings:
  • big brother Little John (not real)
  • big sister Elizabeth Kaye (not real)
  • baby sister Elizabeth Kaye (real) (Yes, there are 2 Elizabeth Kayes)
  • short sister JT Allison (real) (To clarify: that's JT Allison, not JT, not Allison, JTAllison) "What does 'short sister' mean Kaich?" "She's just old." hmm. okie doke.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Definition: Swop

Pronunciation: 'swäp

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): swopped; swop·ping

Etymology: Superkid's custom lexicon hybrid of swat, to strike, and whop, also to strike.

transitive verb1 a : to strike - swop·per noun

Example: Superkid used a broom to swop the icicles and knock them down.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Definition: Fambly

Main Entry: fam·bly
Pronunciation: 'fam-blE, 'fam-buh-lE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -lies
Etymology: The Mommy's custom lexicon, from English family
1 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : HOUSEHOLD
Example: Alex's fambly has two mommies.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The Teeth and Hair Mutual Exclusivity Rule

Here's another item from our Committee for the Promulgation of Scientifically Baseless Theories.

Theory: Babies can grow hair or teeth, but not both at the same time.

Corrollary: Babies with lots of hair have to wait to get teeth. Babies who get their teeth early have to wait a while to get their hair.

Data: The Mommy has noted in her Real Job line of work that this rule very typically holds true.

Case Study 1: Superkid, who serves as our Chief of Polymer Impact Testing, had bunches of teeth very early, but did not get any hair for a good long time.

Case Study 2: Babyfish has very little hair and no teeth. This does not necessarily violate the Teeth and Hair Mutual Exclusivity Rule, as the rule only excludes simultaneous rapid development of teeth AND hair.

The Aquarium Theory of Big Shoes

The following is the first report from our science group, the Committee for the Promulgation of Scientifically Baseless Theories. The report briefly outlines a theory posed by my brother, who attempted to correlate the difference in height between himself and his friend with whether their moms bought their shoes a size too big or just right.

Theory: Children will grow into their shoes, as a goldfish will grow into its tank.

Corrollaries: 5'2" mothers can create 6'3" sons if she buys big shoes for them. If a parent wishes to stunt the growth of their child, the parent should buy the child small shoes.