Thursday, December 6, 2007

Open Letter to "The New" AT&T

For putting me through two days of phone calls, trips to the AT&T store, and phone tinkering to verify for you that a phone that you sold me will not work as advertised:

... and for lacking the technical resources or customer service will to do do the above yourself:

... and for making the process of replacing the mis-functioning phone as tedious and expensive as possible:

... and for wasting at least 30 minutes of my costomer service experience, distributed between multiple people, explaining to your customer service representatives that "bluetooth" is not an earpiece, but rather a communications protocol:

... and for claiming not to "support" certain features of the phone and hot-potato-ing me to the even more useless Motorola technical support, as soon as you figured out that you didn't know how to solve my problem:

... and for asking me at the end of every single phone call whether or not you had answered all of the questions that I had today, even when the answer was clearly no:

Bite me.

Tank Thinker

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